Who Is a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

At Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics in Fulton, MD, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of innovative treatments to enhance your skin’s radiance and restore its youthful vitality. We understand that the appearance of your skin can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. That’s why we are dedicated to providing exceptional services to those in the Baltimore, MD area.


Our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that you receive the highest level of care. At our practice, we are driven to find ways to improve the lives of each of our patients, which is why we offer several different peels to suit every condition and skin type out there. The power of exfoliation on the skin is not to be underestimated, and peels take exfoliation to the next level. Let’s learn more about this procedure and who makes a good candidate for a chemical peel.


What is Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are cosmetic procedures that involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the outer layer to peel off. Your dermatologist or esthetician will carefully apply this unique solution in a quick, simple procedure. This process stimulates the growth of new, healthy skin cells and can improve various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture. Chemical peel is often performed on the face, but it can also be done on other areas of the body like the neck, hands, and chest.


What Do Chemical Peels Treat?

While peels are the best choice for those wanting to improve the texture of their skin and smooth bumps or imperfections, these treatments also hold promise in effectively diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, our peels can significantly reduce the appearance of age spots, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. For those dealing with acne scars or blemishes, peels will work to minimize the appearance of scars, reduce acne breakouts, and unclog pores, promoting clearer, healthier skin.


Hyperpigmentation, whether caused by sun exposure, hormonal changes, or other factors, can also be effectively treated with peels. By targeting excess melanin and promoting a more even distribution of pigment, our peels have helped restore balance and uniformity to the skin tones of countless Baltimore, MD residents. The deeper, more exfoliating chemical treatments can even extend their benefits to dull, lackluster skin by removing dead skin cells and stimulating collagen production, resulting in a refreshed, luminous glow.


How Does It Work?

During a chemical peel, a specially formulated solution is applied to the skin. This solution contains various acids, such as alpha hydroxy acid, beta hydroxy acid, or trichloroacetic acid, which work to exfoliate the outer layers of the skin. This exfoliation process induces controlled damage to the skin, prompting the body’s natural healing response. This healing response leads to the production of new skin cells, collagen, and elastin fibers, which ultimately improves the overall appearance and health of the skin.


What are the Types of Chemical Peels?

Eternal Dermatology offers several types of chemical peels to cater to different skin concerns and conditions. These include superficial peels, medium-depth peels, and deep peels.

  • Superficial peels: This is the mildest type of chemical peel and is suitable for individuals with minor skin concerns such as dullness, uneven texture, and mild hyperpigmentation. Superficial chemical peels are mainly used for acne, postinflammatory pigmentation, and mild dyschromias.
  • Medium-depth peels: Medium-depth chemical peels are more intense than superficial peels and are commonly used to address pigmentary disorders, solar lentigines, multiple keratoses, and superficial scars.
  • Deep peels: This third type of chemical peel is the most intensive and is typically used for deep or coarse wrinkles, severe photoaging, and deep scars. Deep peels are beneficial for treating precancerous skin lesions and providing significant improvement in severe skin conditions.

What Makes a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

If you desire to revitalize your skin and improve its texture, you are in generally good health, you have realistic expectations of the results of the treatment, and you’re willing to commit to following the post-treatment care instructions we give you, you’re the ideal candidate we’re looking for. When you come in for your consultation with us, we’ll assess your skin to determine its current condition, and we’ll hear your treatment goals to decide which peel is right for you.


These peels are excellent choices for any and all skin types, from light to dark. Peels are also ideal options for those suffering from unwanted skin conditions or ailments such as wrinkles, lines, acne, scars, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and premature skin aging from the sun. Deeper peels can even address more serious skin conditions such as melasma, rosacea, and precancerous growths.


What Exempts Someone From Candidacy for This Treatment?

Those with darker skin can benefit from peels just as much as those with lighter skin tones. However, we highly advise caution for those with darker tones when opting for deeper and more intensely exfoliating peels to avoid pigment damage. If you have a history of or are prone to developing keloids, it’s essential to consider a peel treatment carefully and consult with your doctor or dermatology expert. The exfoliating nature of the treatment may pose a risk for keloid formation.


Certain existing chronic conditions and the use of specific acne or skin medications may also affect your eligibility for a peel treatment. It’s vital to consult with our knowledgeable team, providing us with a comprehensive medical history, to determine the best course of action. For individuals who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant, we advise temporarily refraining from chemical treatments to prioritize the well-being of both you and your baby.


Preparing For A Chemical Peel Treatment

Before undergoing a chemical peel treatment, it is important to properly prepare your skin. This includes avoiding excessive sun exposure and tanning beds, discontinuing the use of certain skincare products or medications as advised by your dermatologist, and properly cleansing your skin before the treatment. It is also recommended to apply sunscreen diligently in the days leading up to the peel to protect your skin from further damage.


Additionally, it is essential to follow any specific pre-peel instructions provided by your dermatologist or aesthetician to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of adverse reactions or complications.


Aftercare and Recovery

After the procedure, redness, peeling, or flaking of the skin is common. It is a natural part of the healing process as the old, damaged skin is replaced with a fresh, rejuvenated layer. It is important not to pick or scratch at any peeling skin to avoid scarring or infection. Instead, keep the treated area clean and moisturized as instructed by your healthcare provider. This will promote proper healing and help maintain the results of the peel.


Furthermore, it is important to avoid exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the newly peeled skin from further damage. During the recovery period, it is also advisable to avoid excessive sweating, strenuous exercise, and activities that may cause excessive heat or irritation to the treated area. Hot showers, steam rooms, and saunas should be avoided as they can exacerbate skin sensitivity and prolong the healing process.


In some cases, your healthcare provider may provide you with a post-peel skincare regimen to follow. This may include the use of gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and specialized serums or creams to support the healing and rejuvenation of your skin. It is important to strictly adhere to these instructions to optimize your results and minimize the risk of any complications.


A Word of Caution on At-Home Peels

While at-home peels may seem appealing, it’s crucial to understand the expertise necessary for their safe administration. Administering a peel requires a deep understanding of different skin types, peel formulations, and application techniques. Improper administration of a peel can lead to adverse effects such as skin irritation, burns, or uneven results. As experts in dermatology and aesthetics, we possess the knowledge and experience to ensure a safe and effective chemical treatment.


At our office, we strongly encourage patients in the Baltimore, MD area to entrust their skin to our skilled professionals. Our team is trained in the art of peel treatments and is well-versed in tailoring those treatments to your skin’s specific needs. By scheduling your peel treatment with our practice, you can have peace of mind knowing that your treatment is in the hands of experts who prioritize your well-being and who work hard to deliver you those desired outcomes.


Visit Your Top Baltimore, MD Chemical Peel Destination Today

Conveniently located just a short drive from Baltimore, MD, we’re honored to be your trusted partner on your journey to vibrant and healthy skin. Experience the wondrous power of our chemical peel treatments and unlock your skin’s full potential. Schedule a consultation with us as soon as you can here at Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics in Fulton, MD, and let us help you radiate your confidence and beauty from within. Isn’t it time you honored your skin and let it shine?

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