Fraxel Laser Pre/Post Care Instructions

Pre/Post Care for Fraxel Laser Treatment


Contraindications include use of medications that increase photosensitivity (such as certain antibiotics or Accutane), use of anticoagulants or have had chemotherapy in the past 6 months, history of bleeding disorders, pregnancy/breastfeeding, and seizure disorders. Prednisone and other steroids can cause excess swelling post treatment for up to 2 weeks.




● Sun, tanning bed or the use of self tanning creams are not to be used 2 weeks prior to treatment.
● SPF 30 sunblock is the minimum required in the treatment areas 2 weeks prior to treatment
● Avoid skin care, cleansers and toners that contain Retinol A, glycols, salicylic acid, witch hazel,
benzoyl peroxide, alcohol, vitamin C, etc. If you have a question about your skincare or make-up please contact your technician prior to treating and understand that if you are using one of the listed ingredients it will postpone your treatment.
● Please do NOT take any steroids, anti-inflammatories (IBuprofen, or Aleve, etc.) 24 hours before treatment.



● It is very important to ice when you are able, no more than 10 minutes every 4 hours for the first 2 days to reduce swelling for erbium skin resurfacing and vascular treatment
● NO Aleve/Ibuprofen 48 post treatment
● Showers can be taken, but please try to avoid hot water and direct shower spray to the treatment area for 48-72 hours following treatment. Avoid all saunas and hot tubs.
● Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours (this includes hot yoga).
● Sleep with 1-2 extra pillows at night to keep head raised for the first 2 nights if swelling is present
● Do not use any retinoid, RETIN-A or GLYCOLIC products for 1-2 weeks post-procedure. Do not use any non-prescription creams without discussing it with your provider first.
● Refrain from any chemical peel treatments or Microdermabrasion for 4 weeks post-procedure.
● Avoid scratching, rubbing the treated skin – do not put adhesive dressings over treated areas. Itching after a treatment is part of the healing process, taking a non drowsy over the counter antihistamine is recommended as needed.
● Men may shave 3 days post-treatment, but be gentle.
● Avoid direct sunlight for a minimum of 4 weeks after your treatment. Wear a provider approved physical sun protection for the next 4 weeks. If active outdoors, you should re-apply your sunscreen every 2 hours and wear a wide-brimmed hat.

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