Waxing, shaving, lasers, and even epilators. There are so many ways to remove unwanted hair from your body. Sugaring is an effective - but rarely spoken about - method to remove body hair that's been around for centuries. Using a...

Getting a well-deserved, relaxing facial steam is one of the highlights of a spa treatment for some people. Facial steaming has been around for decades. It's a great way to dislodge dirt and bacteria, soothe your skin, increase hydration and...

Who doesn't love a nice manicure? Our nails may look amazing but at the expense of polishing, filing, scraping. The result could be damage to your nails in the form of ridges. However, your fingernail ridges could be a sign...

There's a trend circulating Tik Tok where people have been able to 'cure' acne by simply using Dove Soap. Dove is a great product for moisturizing and cleaning your skin, but acne needs a little bit more than soap. Our...

It's easy to ignore those cracked corners of your mouth, especially if you suffer from dry lips or cracked lips. However, it could be a condition called angular cheilitis. Because of inflammation, yeast and bacteria stick around in these creases. The...

When it comes to skin brightening ingredients, most people know about serums that include vitamin C or hydroquinone. However, alpha arbutin is quickly gaining traction as a high-quality ingredient that's great for skin issues like hyperpigmentation. The writers at Shape.com...

Katie Heaney of The Cut, a digital publication of New York Magazine, wanted to know a little bit about moisturizers and sunscreen. Do they need to be separate products? Which SPF is best? And can I get the best of...

When it comes to skincare products, few on the market are better than Mario Badescu. The famous product has been around since the '60s and has grown into a massive brand - with a massive product line. Choosing the right...

When it comes to fighting acne, dermatologists tend to point to one of two products: benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. But which one is best? The writers of mindbodygreen reached out to Dr. Rodney for some more information on these...

There are many causes of acne, from hormonal to dry skin, and oily skin. However, we can add masks to the list. Since the global pandemic - and the need to wear masks  - more and more people are complaining...

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