Best Dermatologist In Baltimore: Solutions For Your Skin

best dermatologist Baltimore


Looking For The Best Dermatologist In Baltimore?

Do you see a bump, mole, rash, or blemish that looks out of the ordinary? Is your acne playing a game of Whack-a-Mole on your face? If your skin is not glowing up as you remember and you’re in the DMV area, you’re going to need the best dermatologist in Baltimore. Why? Because you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology:

  • Over 50 million Americans suffer from acne.
  • Close to 80 million Americans suffer from hereditary hair loss (androgenic alopecia)
  • About 23 million have either psoriasis or eczema.
  • Worst of all, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US.

Thanks to these alarming statistics, the skincare and beauty industry promises simple solutions to several skin concerns. However, many skin concerns go beyond skin deep. Issues can range from acne and dermatitis to wrinkles and sagging skin. These concerns may not need an over-the-counter solution but the guidance and expertise of a board-certified dermatologist. At Eternal Dermatology, the team understands that all skin is unique and requires specialized care to bring desired results.


How Does A Board-Certified Dermatologist Help?

A board-certified dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in conditions of the hair, skin, and nails. These doctors have extensive knowledge of your body’s largest organ (the skin) and how internal and external factors affect it. ‘Board certification’ is an important distinction. That means your dermatologist pursued the highest qualifications attainable and is recognized by their peers as being competent in their role. As a result, your dermatologist can handle various medical issues, including acne, skin cancer, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and much more.


Your dermatologist also provides a range of cosmetic services such as dermal fillers, chemical peels, microneedling, Botox, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), and others. An often overlooked benefit is the ability to receive counseling and support from your dermatologist.


Your dermatologist can advise you on the best skin care products, if your existing prescriptions are affecting your skin, and navigating emotional concerns. Choosing a dermatologist can get you results faster than trying to fix your skincare issues alone.


Reasons To See The Best Dermatologist In Baltimore

You won’t need a dermatologist for every blister, blemish, or bump that appears on your skin. These minor issues can go away on their own. However, there are a few cases where you’ll need a professional to diagnose and treat your skin. And. in some cases, if left untreated, the consequences can be severe. Here are eight reasons your need to see your dermatologist as soon as possible:


1. You have a rash or dry, flaky patch that won’t go away.

Sometimes a red rash can appear that’s itchy, flaking, and uncomfortable. However, if the rash persists, cracks, or starts to bleed, you should see your dermatologist right away. There could be one of several reasons why you’re getting a rash. Some examples could be contact dermatitis, eczema, allergies, infections, or autoimmune condition. Your dermatologist can prescribe a range of topical or oral treatments including steroids, and antibiotics.


2. You’re concerned about a mole, wart, or lesion.

Moles and warts are common, and most are on our bodies from birth. The presence of multiple moles is a reason to visit a dermatologist yearly. However, if one mole has noticeably changed in size, you should see your dermatologist immediately. If the mole increases in size, becomes itchy, or bleeds, see a dermatologist right away. Your dermatologist can address the mole and perform a biopsy for skin cancer. Seeing a dermatologist is particularly important if you’ve had skin cancer in the past.


3. Your hair is thinning, falling out, or you’re developing a bald spot.

Do you know that your dermatologist also treats hair issues as well? Every day, we lose between 50-100 strands of hair. While that’s natural, what can be a problem is thinning hair, hair falling out in clumps, bald spots, or flaking scalps. These are all signs of more severe conditions. Dermatologists have a few techniques in their toolkit to tackle your hair concerns. These include oral and topical medications, PRP, and others. In addition, your dermatologist will craft a treatment plan specific to your needs.


4. You have red, flushed skin

Who doesn’t get a bit flushed when they’re embarrassed? When this keeps happening and continues to get worse, you may have rosacea. Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels on the face. In some cases, it can cause red, pus-filled bumps to appear, especially around the nose, which can become thick and swollen as a result. Rosacea can flare up at almost any time, so it’s vital to get the right help and counseling from your dermatologist to minimize the symptoms.


5. You want to finally address your wrinkles and fine lines.

With age, our skin loses its elasticity, and collagen production declines. As a result, we see more visible wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and sagging skin. A trip to the dermatologist is a great way to restore some of that glow and look the way you feel. Your dermatologist can suggest dermal fillers, Botox, chemical peels, lasers, microneedling, and other innovative therapies help you look and feel your best.


6. You have rough, scaly patches near your joints.

These patches of red, rough, scaly skin are often a sign of psoriasis—your skin cells cluster, causing sore, itchy skin. Most flare-ups appear on your elbows, knees, and scalp. If you’ve noticed these patches of skin, especially if you’re stressed, exposed to cold weather, or your immune system is compromised, seek help immediately. Like rosacea, psoriasis is incurable, but there are treatment options to reduce flare-ups. For example, there are topical lotions, ointments, and gels that can soothe your skin, as well as oral steroids that can help.


7. Going it alone isn’t working.

For most skin-related issues, there is an over-the-counter solution. We also see more and more social media trends that claim to help different skin conditions. While some dermatologist-prescribed products can help, there are occasions where your skin issues can keep coming back. When this happens, you need a dermatologist to assess, diagnose, and treat your condition properly.


What Skin Solutions Does Eternal Dermatology Offer?

Your dermatologist has a range of products and devices available to treat most skin conditions. At Eternal Dermatology, we have the latest advancements in technology and medicine available to treat your hair, skin, and nails. Finding a skin solution starts with a consultation where a dermatologist assesses your physical health, family history, and current symptoms.  As one of the best dermatologist in Baltimore, Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics can help with medical and cosmetic needs.


Medical issues and solutions.

Sometimes, our immune system, genetics, or environment can cause our skin to react in severe ways. Some are acute issues, while others are chronic and need long-term support. Some patients need both internal and external treatment to reduce flare-ups or clear an issue altogether. Typical medical conditions include:

  • Acne (hormonal acne, cystic acne, etc.)
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Keloids
  • Warts and moles
  • Skin cancer
  • Hair concerns (CCCA and pattern baldness are common examples)
  • Allergies
  • Cysts/lipomas
  • Rashes

These conditions will benefit from medical procedures and prescription drugs like topical steroids, antibiotics, and prescription serums. However, some might need further treatment, such as laser removal, chemical peels, cryotherapy, Kerafactor, microneedling, and much more.


Cosmetic procedures

Dermatologists are the go-to resource for keeping your skin looking young as well as healthy. These doctors are subject matter experts in the cosmetic space as well as the medical space. Common cosmetic concerns include moderate to deep wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, scarring, hair removal, and sagging skin, along with others. Your dermatologist can treat these issues over time with a range of therapies. Some may require just one visit, but most need multiple visits to get the best results. Here are some standard cosmetic procedures performed by your dermatologist.


Botox (Botulinum Toxin Type A)

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, creating wrinkles and dull, sagging skin. In addition, the constant movement of the muscles in the face can cause moderate wrinkles, fine lines, glabellar lines, or bunny lines. Botox is the brand name of botulinum toxin type A. This injectable freezes the muscles in specific areas by interrupting the communication between nerves and muscles. When injected in strategic places, Botox reduces lines and wrinkles. Other brands include Dysport, Juveau, and Xeomin. The effects of these injectables last several months and can also be used in the lips, chin, and neck.


Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that can plump up the skin. These can reduce wrinkles, plump up your skin, and give you a fresh, new look. In strategic places, you can improve the contour of your face, reduce wrinkles, and soften creases for several months at a time. Common injectables include Hyaluronic acid, Poly-L-lactic Acid, or Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA). These are present in brands like Kybella, Restylane, Belotero, Sculptra, and Radiesse.


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are acids or acid mixtures that remove the layers of skin on your face. The result reveals the fresh, healthy skin underneath. Chemical peels are great for both medical and cosmetic uses, including:

  • Reducing acne and acne scars
  • Removing wrinkles
  • Addressing hyperpigmentation
  • Improving dull skin and large pores
  • evening your skin tone and texture

Peels come in 3 strengths: superficial, medium, and deep peels. Most patients benefit from superficial peels. For severe cases of scarring and wrinkles, medium or deep peels can help. These peels must only be done under the supervision of a doctor and can require extensive recovery time.


Laser therapy

Using intense pulsed light (IPL), lasers can destroy skin cells, break up scars, and best of all, it’s great for long-term hair removal. Over several treatments, laser therapy can bring significant results but must be used by a trained, board-certified dermatologist.



Microneedling encourages the skin’s ability to produce new collagen. Collagen is the building block of the skin, helping to give its smooth, firm appearance. Microneedling uses tiny needles at different lengths that stimulate the skin to produce more collagen. Adding radiofrequency (RF) to the procedure helps the deeper layers of the skin produce more collagen. Some helpful uses include acne scarring, hair loss, rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation, and much more.


Frequently Asked Questions For Your Dermatologist

If you’re looking for the best dermatologist in Baltimore, you’ll indeed have lots of questions. And if you’re seeing a dermatologist for the first time, these questions are even more critical.


1. How do you diagnose skin conditions?

During your consultation, your dermatologist will ask questions about your family history, symptoms, and concerns. From there, the doctor will perform a physical test on the area in question. Your doctor can identify a condition and provide a range of treatment options. If necessary, the doctor may take a skin sample to pass to a lab for testing.


2. How often should I see a dermatologist?

Most dermatologists recommend that you should schedule a visit at least once a year. However, if you have a known skin condition, had skin cancer in the past, or suffer from chronic acne, you should visit your dermatologist every six months. Between those visits, make sure to do regular skin checks in the mirror, looking for abnormalities.


3. Are. my visits covered by insurance?

Most visits for medical-related conditions are covered by insurance. However, which requirements and the extent of coverage vary by provider, so speak with your provider before scheduling your visit. Cosmetic procedures and consultations are not covered by insurance.


4. Does Skin of Color, African American skin need specialized treatment?

Yes, in some cases, Skin Of Color or African American skin needs special treatment since there is a risk of keloids, discoloration, and scarring. These treatments include laser therapy, microneedling, and chemical peels. It’s essential to work with a dermatologist who understands Skin Of Color and can provide safe yet effective treatments.


5. Am I too young/old for a dermatologist?

You can visit a dermatologist at any age for any condition. Some persons, like teenagers, or menopausal women, will deal with acne. Older patients want help with wrinkles, sun spots, and sagging skin. Children can also have rashes and present early signs of eczema. The important thing is to take action at any age to get the best treatment possible.


See The Best Dermatologist In Baltimore For Your Skin

For almost any skin concern, there is a solution. If you’re in the DMV area, start by looking for the best dermatologist in Baltimore. At Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on giving spectacular service and excellent solutions in a safe, comfortable environment. Our lead dermatologist, Dr. Ife Rodney, understands the skin’s needs, particularly skin of color, and can provide the support and understanding you need from your doctor. Connect with us to schedule your medical or cosmetic appointment.


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